Frequently asked questions

  • In general, Kambo is a very safe procedure if done properly under supervision by a qualified practitioner. However, it has some contraindications that must be considered carefully before approaching a Kambo session.

    Please visit our About Kambo page to learn more about these contraindications and other general cautions.

  • No, Kambo is non-psychoactive.

  • None of the peptides have been identified as toxic to mammalian cells. They are potently toxic to bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites, acting as full spectrum antibiotic. There is no know toxicity to the liver, kidneys or brain.

  • The amount of treatments depends on an individual’s health and health intentions. While you’ll get benefits from trying just one session, for someone who never experienced Kambo, it is always recommended to have three sessions in one Moon cycle. My favorite way to facilitate three sessions in three days for the most observed results. At the same time is is very personal process and space between treatments will be defined during detailed consultation.

    Working with Kambo for the first time is like stripping layers of unnecessary, old buildup. Every single session goes deeper and deeper.

    The first Kambo session helps to clear top layer—the years of toxins built up in the body. The second session goes a bit deeper working on the physical, mental, and emotional build-up. The third session is even deeper and Kambo can work on clearing the spiritual and ancestral illnesses. 

    People with chronic health conditions may require further sessions for a deeper treatment plan.

  • No, frogs are not harmed in the process. The secretion is collected in a very ethical way, in deep honor to the frog. Kambo is collected from wild-caught frogs living in their native Amazonian jungle habitat. A frog’s diet of specific jungle insects plays an important role in the potency and the properties of the secretion.

  • Usually, Kambo scars, known as “points,” slowly fade over time, but the time varies depending on the location of the point and the sensitivity of your skin. Some parts of the body are more prone to scarring than others. A tree sap resin known as “Dragon’s blood” is applied to all skin openings after your session, serving as a natural, antibacterial “liquid band-aid of the jungle.” It accelerates the healing and sealing of the wound. 

    We will discuss the placement of your gateways prior to beginning the ritual.